Why do vampires but cell phones up to their face and ear if they have super hearing? Also don’t they constantly smell women on their periods!!!
Why does my makeup look like this?
To the girls with cute setups!
Going through a breakup- miss playing games
Experience with Mercari?
New at Dicks
i main support because [NSFW], why do you main support?
Do you prioritize video games as a shared interest in relationship?
Professors inviting you to join their department majors
Starbucks to remove 13 drinks from its menu
Typed as winter in 4 seasons but I'm a warm olive
Men only ever want me for my body and it is destroying my perception of everything
Sonny Mail - Let’s Hope There’s a Fennec in the Bunch.
Giveaway, Regal Rivals Code
What are your controversial opinions on Euphoria???
Who’s your dream Sonny?
where do you put your keychains?
i’m so happy grass type is finally viable
I don’t mind women preferring really tall men, I just wish we had a height positivity movement in our generation like body positivity.
will the gardevoir playmat come back?
my dorm room with 20” chansey + clefairy 🫶
Tamagotchi Plaza Collection w/ Tir Tir, Romand, Peripera, and more
is there a glossier skin tint but fuller coverage?
I should play the lottery... HOLY CRAP!! 💖
too obsessed?