Can you shop in the supermarket on Sunday ?
For the Exciter fans
Mal im Ernst: Stellt irgendwer seine Möbel 10cm von der Wand entfernt auf?
Antony is on the pitch, why are they leaving???
Kann man den Käse noch essen? Lag durchgehend im Kühlschrank
Breaking: Tictacs have just been banned in the United States
Beautiful goal by ref. Great celebration also.
Just died yesterday :(
three n’s
Corona hat Spuren hinterlassen.
Day in the Life of our Parents
People on this subreddit be like “are my tires good for a few more months?”
War mal bei mir im Briefkasten
It's almost been 20 years now. Can we finally admit that Season 4 is truly a fantastic season?
Not that the Grammys actually matter but…
0 points here!
Bier, knapp 31 Jahre drüber, geht noch?
Favorite classroom scenes
This is how you're welcomed to my beautiful town. I don't get it
65+ lacht sich beim Garage zu Schrott Fahren dusselig
Deutschland Ticket in the middle of month
What car is this?
Kann mir jemand erklären was dieses Schloss bringen soll ?