Found this on Twitter
[I'm an Evil God] I recommend for you to read the greatest Cultivation Manhua of all time.
Learning Python
Horses exist
My mom made "rang birangi puris" on Holi !!!
Are horses welcome here?
[The Perks of Being an S-Class Heroine] This manhwa is eye candy
My very humble set up for home office
Choose carefully
[Although I am a Mother-in-law, I do not like Conflict between My in-laws] Finally know the difference between them 😅
Shortest title of an anime be like
Guys I recently made this project
[Baby Pharmacist Princess] Is he actually reading an irl manhwa/novel?
The life of a 28y old woman in Delhi vs 28y old woman in Europe
I’m a five dimensional deity that consumes planets to live and yours is the most pathetic one. I have ever seen, give me one reason to leave your planet alive
Ky bologe aise logo ko?
Currently making a notion guide for beginners & amateurs
OP earned her first money!! 😁
Is M1 enough?
Anime only discover that Manhwa is colored and has insane quality art, different from Japanese Manga 💀
What is the utility of flowers? Why do girls like receiving flowers?
Love this trope in manhwa
[Slo levelling] Love this trope in manhwa
The first two episodes of solo leveling were cool. The rest were cooler.