I'm having to makea truly difficult choice right now [fluff]
I'll give your avatar their fighting game classes/archetypes... just based on how they look...
Stupid thought, hypothetically if this subreddit was a family, what would be your place in it?
I'm just about to start writing Meggy lore, do any of you have any tips?
Would your avatar say Fuck?
Would your avatar/oc survive this attack
Any christians here ?
What do you wish a girl would do for/to you?
Creating custom faces for the top ten most upvoted avatars. (With a twist!)
What’s a feature you have that you consistently think looks good?
Do you guys take a nap after school everyday?
Giving Your Avatar A Role In Pokemon
Ello, im gonna draw a photo for the subreddit. (Line art in photo. And read desc)
“Corpse recovered. Status: Reconstructed and resuscitated.” 2/19/7143
Oi, can like six people give me their usernames and avatars abilities rq?
Your avatar has to break through a metal door. Can they do it? And if so, how?
Who is your favorite girl?
Gay guys?
🎁 1000 robux giveaway part 2: electric boogaloo 🎁
Would you date a girl who’s depressed?
Those with deep voices do you like it?
Is it just me but has never seen a girl shoot their shot first at a boy?
Making a pretty chick for y'all lonely avatars!
Who would win? What diff ?
Strongest character outside of JJK that CAN'T beat Gojo