Will pay for your time. Looking for someone with a biomedical degree, or anyone with biomedocal background willing to let me ask them a few questions.
I have a woman wanting to pay me $100 a week to clean her 3,150 sqft home. HELP!
Is this an okay internal little thingy.
Writing Nameless Characters
Urgently need a way to make money
Addicted to writing
What traumas do you have that AREN'T from your parents or childhood home?
Please meet Juniper. 11 weeks old today.
Crime writers; how do you research crime scene details without your internet history looking like you’re planning to kill someone??
Please meet Juniper
Am I undercharging?
Tips on mute characters?
Trying to find the right dog for our lifestyle.
Looking to add more members to our writing group!
How do you go about finding the breed right for you family?
How do I figure out what dog breed my family would be best suited for?
$25 bounty to whomever can help me find a website or forum where I can discuss with people what breed of dog might fit my family best.
[Breeds] What dog is right for our family?
My Daughter Texted on the Way Homefrom School During a Snowstorm
The day before a one-day snowpocalypse in Atlanta.
What is everyone's first read of 2025?
Do you prefer the rainbow or the clear beads?
This video made my day.
"Christmas just isn't as magical anymore"