is jack stauber over?
About John and gender.
What song of his have you cried to?
Canon Killings tier list
Comparison between original and Mc Donald’s art
Vriska takes on Public Transit
Does anyone remember Oobi?
List of when each operators received their latest skin
Decided to try and make the chicken smooth.
I found this in my Discord and now everyone has to suffer too
Guess what? Another question! What song(s) makes you wanna dance despite the meaning of it?
Am I the only one that's shocked that Kodaka actually confirmed Shuichi as Bisexual?
Any operators' voiceline that lives rent free in your head?
A dark thought I had .
Genuine hot take. The hottest of hot takes
Playing Ultra Despair Girls for the first time and what the FUCK was that mini game before the Kotoko fight!?!??
Which language do you guys have most operators set to?
Who is one character that you would want as a Leader that hasn't been made yet?
Who are the operators that you prefer their E0/E1 art compared to their E2 art?
Complete (I think?) Yuka Morii collection
Can we shut up about Min-Su!?
Rules question
Help Center and Megathread Hub (10/02 - 16/02)
More than half of the 25 songs in the Vocaloid Hall of Myth are now banned
BREAKING NEWS: Zako got privated