Calming nerves before sneaking out?
Can we all pray for my gf rq?
First person to comment gets a prize
Can you actually make good friends in here?
why is it suddenly illegal for me to say anything at all
Edit your commet to make me look like an asshole
Which major American political party do you support?Why you support it?
can i please rant to someone about the guy i like 😭😭
ooh biceps 👀
biceps 👀
my room stinks oml
Is 15 y/O M and 13 y/O F ok?
so stressed out might try that Chinese thing with needles
whats ur taste in anime if you watch anime
someone isnt a happy camper rn 🙃
Free will is a thing and I’m always afraid someone will realize that and just throw a chair at me
When and how you lost your verginity
vibe check!! comment a song that you are feeling like rn
Bro I’m so bored does anyone wanna call or text or sum
why did my comment get downvoted, yall are so toxic oml
i act drunk when im either cold or tired 😭🎀
xbox series s?
hating on positivity is actually comical lmao
Someone just asked to see my feet…brother no