I hate insurance so much
Weekly Questions + Discussions Megathread
Mcat expires this year, chances for MD near where I live?
Is this a sign?
HSR - 3.2 BETA] Anaxa Animations via Dim
Rejoice loyal believers
LEAKS: Anaxa kit, eidolons, and LC via Uncle Hellgirl
Anaxa kit, eidolons, and LC via Uncle Hellgirl
Gameplay leaks for a future unit ...
Cantarella Gacha animation
Tribbie feels extremely underrated for a harmony
The consequences
This was a really fun moc to 0 cycle, nikador does a lot of damage
i am sorry queens 😔💔
We won (?)
Castorice and Mydei's potential as team mates (very sus)
So, how are your pull plans looking? (Leaks and Speculation)
Queenies what is this😭
Does FreeTaxUSA automatically file nonresident refund + the correct state? (DMV)
v4 hotfix MoC 12 0c E0S1 Aglaea/Sunday/Tribbie / E0S0 Robin against Nikador/Flame Reaver 7 costs
V4 Tribbie Hotfix Buff via HomDGCat
Hear me out (copium)
Dont stop dreaming guys
Tribbie changes v 4 beta
That piece of filth finally got deleted