Signs of molars coming in?
I hate it here
So they definitely lurk on Reddit lol
AIO about to block this guy - messages after one date
Whats a project for your wedding you ended up scrapping?
The Surinam Toad has one of the strangest birth methods in the animal kingdom. Babies erupt from a cluster of tiny holes in their mother’s back.
Daycare gave us an update on our son, disappointed
If you have a Patreon page and openly charging people for "Status Updates" you are 100% required to update them on when a new update is coming.
My Daughter's MtM Barbie has 2 Right Feet!
Are we deadass.
Briana wants to tie her tubes
August has more to say to Jenelle
Thoughts ?
What does your beautiful baby smell like?
Do y’all lie about your child’s age for free entry?
Epidural was not what I was expecting
Gosh, people who don't have kids sure have opinions on whether school is canceled for snow days.
Jan’s Accounnat Vlog TiKtok Emoji Recap with dumb pitchers!
Help I never made a storage this big😭 How do you organize your items?
People defending that CC creators charge 20$ monthly for an early access of the early access
Anyone one else irrationally annoyed by this?
Do you take more than one medication?
Do you give your potty training toddler a pull up so they can poop?
Merch at Five Below.
Is it a Valheim Community rule to not go to the next biome early?