Why don't Huns have a useful second unique tech?
Pricing for the new DLC
Ideal power ups for steel hunter
Now that we'll have 50 civs, this had to be reposted
It's gone! The FV4202 mission is finally gone!! Thx WG
We are not getting a new tech tree this spring
Game Center Can't Find Installed Game
I suck at booming
My free box
why would WG make assembly shop tank such an overpriced thing when you can literally play grille 15 which is better tank
Obligatory Daily Meta Meme
Battle Pass Special Teaser
This sub be like
MBT-B changed once again
Memb mobster
What is your guess on the upcoming assembly shop tank?
I just got a special offer for boxes, 4 boxes for 1€ (87% off)
MBT-B has the same mechanic as Char Mle. 75 now
Winter raid game mode
Get Your Well-Deserved Reward for 2024!
How about mounted skirms and mounted halbs?
Hera staying umble again
The FV224 Chopper and the MBT-B Coming to Supertest
Is there a way to save custom civ list?