Trying to make sense of coding
Champion of cthulu?
Multiple Weapon Types on 1 Weapon?
GM just gave us 1k each at level 2. What do I buy?
Important news to anyone who missed the errata
Trying to get this character to stick to walls.
Earth is our future
What House Rules do you go to first?
Can Kineticist learn Eat Fire?
Trying to make an RPG Game for Steam.
Need help setting Max HP
Working on light, need to strip live wire
How do I set the cost of an item as a variable?
Mounting rules?
just checking my math from Foundry
Poorly describe your favorite nicktoon
How do an armadillo and angel make that?
My Playercore 2 Came In Early AMA
Your preferred map making software for foundry?
The Nonat1s drama exposes a bigger problem; Pathfinder doesn't really have any standout content creators
What is your Default Character?
Ever accidently created a perfect rival for one of your PC's?
Dragonborn in Pf2e
Help with Roll20 Character sheet needed. Dedication choices
Shame about skeletons