What is The First film you think when you see Jake gyllhenhaal?
Australians have lost hope in the fair go, with profound implications for the election
379,800 people were added to our population from overseas migration
Curious, in your opinion do you think it's possible in your state to rent a one bedroom on minimum wage?
AITAH for still expecting my wife to pay me back $5k in credit card debt she caused even after I pay back her psychiatric facility bill of almost $7k?
Speeding fine metres off 100
Nurse’s bombshell move after viral video
Is this legal? The only fee-free option to pay rent on this property is via an app.
Coal miners challenge Fair Work's ruling on collective bargaining
Trolley etiquette - two different approaches captured on dash-cam
Does lowering the gaze mean nothing in KL?
My boyfriend (28M) doesn’t want me (27F) to move in his new house.
My (M25) girlfriend (F24) is frustrated that I ask for sex, even though I always take “no” well.
Venezuelan immigrants deported from USA arrive at the Terrorism Confinement Center in El Salvador 25
Cadbury factory's chemical problem may have caused River Derwent sewage emergency, documents show
Guess who fucked up so big time they get to spend the rest of the night at Fernvale visitor info centre because they didn't plan for the trains to stop running at 10 PM?
Reasonable Rent Reduction - AC not working
Yohan missions and Nightclub Warehouse question.
Glam teacher, 35 'sexually assaulted boy she met working at high school' say police
WIBTAH if i ghosted my ex wife now that divorce is final?
Australians need six-figure income to afford average rental, report finds
Inverell pool accused of 'discrimination' after calling police to remove Aboriginal children
0 seconds left on a Chumash bunker weapon shipment, my heart was racing holy crap