What vibes does this character give off?
My School Is Blocking Everything
I will doodle your character interacting with my character: Magic
Rate my jawline out of ten
What’s a childhood snack that disappeared but you still think about?
Charlie sketches I did because I just love her design
Charlie sketches I did because I love drawing her [OC]
What’s your guy’s Opinion on God school?
Who’s your favorite Rick other than c137 and why?
Young Gen Z humor vs older Gen Z humor
Morty and my oc art :3 (I know people are going to hate this..)
What should I change about Timothy?
We all have or have had a crush on Rick (including men) and we’re all lying
show me your sexiest OCs cause I'm bored as heck
What do you think of them?
Stuck on a design
I think I need feedback on my character designs because I think almost all of them look the same as eachother (TW! Scars, blood)
What should change about my new OC to make him more internet core
What vibes does Lucy give off?
I'm going cave diving
Here's my most wild one
Some of my ocs ive drawn on paper and digital ^^ (TW! Scars, blood, needles)
How can I improve this design?
I feel like whitey somehow owns a Sega pico
Pearl as Pickles Oblong from The Oblongs