FFXIV Ultimate Raid Ranking
Jagex "accidentally" created a whole new game genre.
I just started Dragon Slayer! I'm so excited!
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but Yuweyawata Field Station is one of the best dungeons in the game.
I hate this game. Say here your main and I will say why I hate YOU.
Returning player worries
Suggestion on Pets
Square Enix Should Stop Changing Jobs for Players Who'll Never Like Them
who ever made this slide have devilish mind .
What is melees playstyle/feel/"shtick" like at higher levels/BIS/endgame?
Is there any downsides to skilling in a near-dead world?
Are you team PF or static ?
What do you want to see added to the ff14 formula?
Are you coming back for 7.2x?
Daily Questions & FAQ Megathread March 15
[Weekly Thread] Victory Weekend (Sat-Sun, Mar 15, Mar 16)
Upgrades to the gold saucer?
Role swap?
is pentamelding worth the grind?
Black Mage 7.2 Changes— The Dark Age is OVER
What other goblin-y things can I do?
Behold, John oGCD
I'm enjoying the game but engaging with the community is souring the experience
necro still overtuned?
Please stop changing my job 14