Jagex "accidentally" created a whole new game genre.
I just started Dragon Slayer! I'm so excited!
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but Yuweyawata Field Station is one of the best dungeons in the game.
I hate this game. Say here your main and I will say why I hate YOU.
Returning player worries
Suggestion on Pets
Square Enix Should Stop Changing Jobs for Players Who'll Never Like Them
who ever made this slide have devilish mind .
What is melees playstyle/feel/"shtick" like at higher levels/BIS/endgame?
Is there any downsides to skilling in a near-dead world?
Are you team PF or static ?
What do you want to see added to the ff14 formula?
Are you coming back for 7.2x?
Daily Questions & FAQ Megathread March 15
[Weekly Thread] Victory Weekend (Sat-Sun, Mar 15, Mar 16)
Upgrades to the gold saucer?
Role swap?
is pentamelding worth the grind?
Black Mage 7.2 Changes— The Dark Age is OVER
What other goblin-y things can I do?
Behold, John oGCD
I'm enjoying the game but engaging with the community is souring the experience
necro still overtuned?
Please stop changing my job 14
Thoughts on combat style rework (Melee, Ranged and Magic)