She could’ve just lead with that instead of lying to his face with her fake confession.
Where tf is Sakura during all this?
SoSP Chakra and fate
Why do people think Naruto has bad world building?
I just realized how Boruto's current drip is definitely inspired by the Highschool OVA Naruto drip, and that just makes me smile.
Imagine if part one Naruto got a remake?
Does anyone else thinks the tail beast were ridiculously underpowered?
The 5 Kage Summit Arc really was the low point for all of Team 7. But only Naruto and Sasuke grew from it.
They're cooking our boy 🙏🏾😭
Is the hate justified
Sad but true
All these years later what are your thoughts on these scenes
I hate how the studio deleted Sasuke’s smugness and expressions
"I miss when Naruto was just about ninjas". Literally the first 10 seconds
Hot take: I really like these Boruto designs
Can’t believe people are purposely missing moments like this
would sasuke care enought to fight him? and Why is she posing like that? SASORI?
more than a criticism of Sakura is more of a writing criticism
Naruto and Sasuke being Indra and Asura's reincarnations were foreshadowed
Why Didn’t Ninjas Use More Shadow Clones?
The Subtle Contrast between Naruto & Madara
Why did Sakura marry Sasuke? Is she stupid? (Used a better image to express my question)
Was sasukes relationships with team 7 pre betrayal underdeveloped in your opinion?
Why didn’t anyone tell Naruto about his parents?