Ou est-ce qu'on la met ?
What kind of vibe do I give
I used to do this too
What is your next move
Number 1 thing you miss about old SSO?
To figure out the reasons why he is universally despised
Things I remember from when SSO first came out
Guys what chord is this ?
Quelle race ?
Comment vous faites pour supporter autant de charge mentale ?
Choisis ta soirée vidéo pour adulte
Pourquoi on punit pas les rappeurs qui ont des paroles homophobes,misogynes direct et très claires ?
I don’t really get Reddits hatred of religion. I feel like every religious person I’ve ever encountered has been relatively normal
Estelle pour une petite fille? Hadrien ou Olivier pour un petit garçon ?
composers try to not marry their first cousin challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
I have no idea how my body works
why are men like this
What's the first song you're playing?
to differentiate transgender from transgenic
6 of June 2025 events
La psychanalyse devrait être interdite
What’s a modern trend you hope disappears in the next 5 years?
Casual Pedophilia
how can people still support big lick. this poor baby is only three years old and her hind end is destroyed to the point she can't walk and had to be humanely euthanized
Good god