Hirap na hirap na akong mag-ipon
iPhone 15 issues: Consequences of a China model or just broken?
Full-time VA, full-time student—advice?
Full-time student, full-time employee—advice?
VA companies for Newbies and No experience
we need to talk about kris' bbl, and why is she hiding it nowadays
How to stop being jealous and envious of celebrities who have it all (fame, money, fitness, and looks)?
What do you hate about your partner, but can’t tell them?
Are the vitiligo spots on my OC realistic? She’s southern Italian, tan, & has had vitiligo for 2 years. Her hearing is bad because that’s a side effect of vitiligo and I have bad hearing too so I can definitely write a character with bad hearing.
Should I and how do I leave my friend group?
People who have it on the face could easily repigment with UVB and Tacrolimus
Question, can donated goods be a tax write off
Unpopular Opinion - I Actually Like All Of The Characters And Have Empathy For Them
Azelia responds to Julia
Rue's 10 minute-meltdown is not a "badass moment" and is not something you should be cheering on
Elliot didn't really cause the downfall of Rue and Jules' relationship. The collapse of their relationship was inevitable and Elliot's character was basically to expose the cracks in the foundation. He's not the cunning mastermind people make him out to be. He's just a messy and dumb teenager.
Here we see Kim's original skin colour, Kim with a tan and Kim blackfishing <3 🤩
Rue might be an addict but she’s really good at reading people and she was right about Jules
What do you think? Was this deserved?
Latest in the "Vitiligo Art" project. See my comment if you want to help me
Is anyone else surprised by Nate's lack of substance abuse?
Is it just me or does Rue look way worse this season?
Ashtray is just trying to pay his bills