Architect house with Citroën 2CV, Tokyo (Olympus OM-1n, Portra 400)
House and orange car in Tokyo suburbs (Olympus OM-1n / Portra 400)
Week 6 - Who wants to play this week?
Magic The Gathering community in Tokyo
Kite Festival at Ōji shrine | X-S10
Magic The Gathering meetup in Tokyo
Event this Saturday
Events in Tokyo this week + meet friends
Who is playing this weekend? (2024/02/08)
Should I bite the bullet? MTG 40K
Does anybody else’s shiba sleep like a cat?
Broken question, yet again.
Empty window upon start in safari - any ideas?
Avoid sickness.
Name with long dash issue
Just some Thom pics at LINE Cube Shibuya
Some pics of the wonderful LINE Cube Shibuya show
USA, Say Hello to Japanese Curry Noodles
Weightlifting / Powerlifting stores
Is Huel actually healthy? UPF worry
Feels like I am so close yet so far on a 100kg back squat. This is 90kg and I attempted 95kg later but failed. Finding it disheartening even though I can do multiple reps at 80kg?
Myanmar, 2017 🇲🇲
Caught every creature I was missing in the same day !
Best console design ever?