Imagine being so rich that you hired the President of United States as your kid’s nanny 😅
What would you do here?
The Best 'It's Always Sunny' Episodes According to Viewer Ratings - What's Your Top Pick?
Everyone loves it… except you. What’s the most overrated movie?
Update: Let's Make This Bill Great Again
A patient at work handed this to all the staff at the clinic, here's the kicker, we live in Canada
What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
How are you people genuinely attracted to feet
If you had to spend a million dollars in an hour or lose all of it, what would you do?
How old is your Guardian?
What comedian has so much hype but you don’t think is actually funny?
Trump on drug overdoses - ''Wherever you have the death penalty, you don't have drugs. I just don't know if this country is ready for it, and that's okay. Theres nothing you can do.''
The same guy that is yelling "a war would've never started across the world if I was in charge" is starting a war with a neighbour.
P for??
Anyone for a Sea Weed break?
Those are there to protect your eyes.
How the lighting is setup on the later seasons.
To teach France a lesson about ‘Whisky’ and ‘Champagne’
What's the best one-liner joke you've ever heard?
You can pick a single line from a comedy film that you think everyone will be able to identify it from. What line do you choose?
Is there any plans to repair the crappy pavement along the riverfront trail?
Whos the most famous person you've ever met?
I'm missing this show a little more than usual today 😞. Any favorite moments you guys have from the Podcast?
Solo player, Anything I should change on my loadout?
If she's Invisible why can I die as her?