Buyers Remorse? 😅
Feature request: alarm turn off
Can anyone id these joggers?
You wanna know how to p*** people off? FK with their sleep
Surge warm full zip discontinued?
First benz, i cant say i dont enjoy it
What ie my level of play ?
When you want HomePad
12 Y/O, just bought my first BMW, a Nazca M12
Lulu Prizes Released
Strawberry White Chocolate brewed as DE over ice, splash of cream, 1/3-1/2 can strawberry Dr Pepper. 10/10
Delivery Day :)
Everyone says built to move boxers are the best well I bought a 2 pack and the stitching is coming out already within a month. never had such shitty quality boxers before this brand is supposed to be good?
Joola Pro 4 delivered! Your opinions on it?
Just bought one of these for my 10 year old's birthday. What do you think?
New paddle, are these scratches normal?
Stolen Tidbyt
Managed to scartch a magno gt 63s - how much am I looking at
2021 GLE 450 cracking noise
sock recommendations ?
What do you think of my car. Is it clean or trash?
Joined the Tesla family today!
I’m a big fan of how my sweater smells fresh from the store. Any idea what scent this is? Would love to have a spray bottle of this stuff