I have NEVER in my life seen Chevy exhaust pipes
North XL top fan direction?
Can't move tabs or bookmarks anymore
Took lots of planning, but stoked with the result
Is this correct or misinformation on fasting blood test numbers?
Whats stopping me from just buying a CPAP machine directly instead of doing a sleep study first?
Is A1C a good measure to determine diabetes?
You wake up as Abel, what is the first thing you’re doing?
What headphones do you use as your daily drivers?
Please help me understand what happened to me Alcohol - GHB - Cocaine
A1C 5.7; non-fasting glucose 130
Haven't seen any updates on the Playlist bug. Just tried trial and didn't count. Just fyi.
What are the consequences of having a low carb diet?
Visceral fat is now believed to be the cause of type 2 diabetes and visceral fat is uniquely caused by excess added sugar consumption, saturated fat, and alcohol.
LPT: Check out you health insurance rewards programs
The war on drugs has created more waste than every failed infrastructure Project combined
Who here didn’t need their CPAP anymore after losing weight?
Do we still use separate drives for the OS and other stuff?
GP refusing to do a sleep study because I don't wake up gasping for air or snore in my sleep? Should I change doctors?
how to make a dxm trip more intesive without making the dose higher or redosing
Diplo on 10 Years of Jack U
Oral appliance saved me.
I pretend not to see people I know in public just to avoid small talk