Why do I even bother
I be using Reddit as a personal diary
In my FB feed today
Still mad that they allowed that to happen 😭 and one nurse was very passive aggressive to me for the rest of my stay
Seriously, what am I supposed to say though?😭
Job interview
Boys who make noise <3
I’m getting so fucking tired of being told by mental health professionals that I just need to stop drinking
"Youtuber" 🗣🗣🔥🔥
rollercoaster of a day 😭
Would you be my friend (or enemy) based solely on my kins?
Trauma sucks. Here’s a compilation of my father’s “advise”
AIO about the wall of text my brother in law sent his kids
I live alone and have been trying to twist open this stupid gelato for a week now. Finally just cut the bottom off.
What did you think would never happen to you, until it did?
steamed clams?
Yes Ma’am 🫡
I’m not real.
If you were replaced as one of the Cardinal Heroes, which weapon and strategy would you do? And IRL what really would you actually do if you are summoned in the anime?
bunda bread
Bread fail
5 month wait list for DBT!! I've been waiting like 3 years lmao
What do you think about what my therapist said?
If everyone in the world wore a T-shirt with the phrase they say the most, what would yours say?
Italian Espresso Packed Under Pressure
First Ever Game...Why