Blizzard, could we get more character slots with the WoW Token?
CMV: Climate Change Prevention is a Waste of Time and Resources.
Climate Change Prevention is a Waste of Time and Resources
Update on the time capsule post from last week.
Found Old Pokémon Card Collection
I was told you guys would like my 15 - 20-year-old time capsule I found.
Favorite smell
did you know? did you know? *burp*
Taking the day off to play a new released game doesn't make you cool
Climate Change Prevention is a Waste of Time and Resources.
First bookshelf!
my friend just sent me this
they took him out like an animal
TIL that Venus, despite not being the closest planet to the sun, is the hottest.
Update: Finally oiled and waxed this little woven cutting board
OnLine Bathing
Poor little girl is traumatized for life and will develop biases because of his actions
Why did I have to be born ugly?
Who needs a SawStop anyway
I made a little guy using offcuts and copper wire.
Lvl 60 pre-BiS w/ 1k+ gold. What's next?
Slowly going for the Holy Grail - All Classes to 60 with All Professions Leveled.
Woke up with two weird dots on my arm
Engi on a warlock?
Full video: Onlyfangs Molted core Deaths