Do dumpers think about you everyday like dumpees do?
Is anyone having physical symptoms of grief
What will be will be
they need to stop calling it “the five stages of grief”
Our exes weren’t that great 😂. What’s something your ex did that you HATED. funny responses preferred.
Would You Leave A Perfect Relationship?
Reading these posts worry me
What is a quote that changed your outlook on life?
What kind of person are you?
When did y’all’s appetite come back after a tough breakup?
It’s not really possible to be friends with an ex is it?
i hate this lol
did you delete the pics of your ex on ig?
What's the worst thing they said/did to you before the break up?
Anyone else just mad all the time?
It's mind blowing how two people can become inseparable and then one day are strangers as if none of it ever happened
Does anyone see something posted on here and wonder if this could be their ex, rather it’s hope or something else?
I feel so fucking stupid for missing someone who probably doesn’t give two fucks about me lol
What song relates to your BU?
You can't be both nonbinary and binary. You can't be partially a man or partially a woman.
Question for dumpers: how long was it until you felt the pain and/or regret?
To all dumpers: did you regret breaking up?
What is a movie ending that makes you cry, no matter how many times you've watched it before?