Who's more evil?
What is the most practical stand?
Why is Part 6 disliked?
Ranking the copy abilities. The Beetle ability has ended its run in 3rd place. It all comes down to this. Vote for the last ability that you want out.
Made a list of my favourite VN characters, ordered from top left to bottom right. Thoughts?
Interpret as you wish
What's the best way to play Remember 11?
Why do people call Giorno a Gary Stu?
KH2 is rated PG13, therefore allowed one F bomb. Where do you put it?? Here's mine
Pokémon, Magic The Gathering, or Yu-Gi-Oh?
Put these two in a room together what’s happening
Name ANY character and I’ll say if Kirby can beat them in an eating contest!
This setup is disgusting.
Who deserves to be eliminated?
Ranking the limited use copy abilities! The party has come to an end as Festival has been voted out. Vote for the one ability you think should be in 5th place!
Why do many latino characters have red clothing?
I am getting started on visual novels, here is my tier list, what would you guys recommend me next?
Which is Better?
What would your reaction be if you win the lottery
So is this the official official jojo? Cause I'm on season 1 andwanna finish it b4 join future arc community?? If I'm in the wrong place lmk cause I do wanna join but I'm rewatch season 1 before 2 very nice baron zeppi speedwagon straizo jojo thank you fellow jojos
Are ya winning son? [UMI FULL SPOILER]
The most perfect, toxic hand I've ever played
Type any jojo character with your eyes closed
Why didn’t giorno kill diavolo?