Tiktok is tweaking, they said I'm eligible but now I'm not?
How do I change my reigon 😭
File select mockup for a fangame project I'm working on, how can I improve it?
Vote your least favorite Wimpy Kid book, Round 15
Which Captain Underpants book should be deleted?
Can we please come up with another name for this guy other than Metal Shadow?
Sonic 06 vs sonic forces what game is worse(even tho i love both but i only made this because both are hated so much)?!,....
Can we ban this weird guy?
Weird question, but are all sonic origins+ physical copies the same
They deadass say I'm eligible, why is it not letting me aply?
Anyone want Amy to be their sibling and not Sonics love interest?
The winners of the banner/icon contest!
Choose your pick for the contest!
List their names WITHOUT googling them.
Time really goes fast huh
No way she pulled up with the gigantomobile 😭
Did anyone scream something in their theaters?
Hot take: Flash back cards should be at the club they’re flashed back to
Why doesn't Eggman just make an army of Metal Sonics to take Sonic down, is he stupid??
Which one is better?
Its literally the 3rd word. why was it removed?
Something really interesting I feel is worth pointing out, do you guys notice how both Knuckles and Shadow remain unfazed and aren’t afraid at the times when Sonic is trying to intimidate them?
Assume things / make headcanons about my oc.
Question, has Amy ever cheated on Sonic? Or shown love for someone else other than him?