Behold! I will not buy any more iPods. I will not buy any more iPods. I will not buy any more iPods.
Extending Apple Care on used Mac
Did anyone save a Mirage Chip b4 they closed?
Should i buy a 10 years old mac mini?
Logo Penny press at Hollywood store close to exit the park
$99 3/years
The Ten (2007)
What does my list of movies say about me?
Pretty mint looking 4th gen for only 30 bucks? Am I missing something? Is this a model prone to exploding or breaking or something- it feels like I robbed somebody.
Last CD I got arrived with a smashed case. This time around it’s the disc itself. Fucking hell
Cool eBay find
First MacBook, Long Time Windows User
Rare Mid 2012 15” MacBook Pro with the Matte Screen. Found at the recycling center.
Replacement LCD display
Apple Invites app now available on the App Store
Shows you remember but nobody else does
United keeps sending my bag on an earlier flight
What's your shallowest reason for dropping a show?
Diagnosed with Factor XI deficiency (Hemophilia C)
75% better… what now?
Antitrust (2001)
Die Hard with a Vengeance - 1995
2012 Mac Mini available on Marketplace for $140. i7, 16GB RAM and 256GB storage. Worthwhile?
Is this trustworthy?
Inversion table makes it worse?