Right. It’s been a week. Is this his best album? Favourite song(s)?
Should I marry her chat?
When the album is so....
Hurry Up Tomorrow Rating
Should I get Star Citizen?
Open Hearts Experience FULL AUDIO!!! (no visuals)
Do you think HUT will be AOTY?
I’ll rate your favorite Weeknd song
An isolated version of Timeless has surfaced and fans are now speculating that the song is AI, thoughts?
Abel hit a new outrageous record
New record?
Can man actions lead to Jewishry?
My buddy (conspiracy theorist) saw a plane ✈️for the first time and believed it was a UFO? What mental disability does this signify? 🛸👽 ♿️
Man gets car taken away and then freaks it off (Analogue recorded system)
Man terminated from job after posting explicit videos online
What is Abel’s worst album?
what do you guys think?