Feature Request : Add Username or Name field below Mirror Magnet Window
Bricks ecosystem - looking for recommendations
New app from Sindre Sorhus: switch the default browser from the menu bar, keyboard, focus mode, or Shortcuts
Best "Notch" App
What Are Your Favorite LTD Apps/Plugins for Website Building? 🤔
A must try notch app - DynamicLakePro!!
What's the best Free SEO Plugin right now?
BricksForge vs WSForm
Apple has acquired the Pixelmator Pro team. Are we getting a first-party Photoshop competitor?
RIP Screen Studio 1-Device Lifetime
I launched my dream app!
Introducing TaskPulse - The Ultimate Task Tracker
Any mac app for product photography?
PolyCapture: My Screen, Camera & Audio Recorder → Now Available on the App Store!
Supercharge - a new app of Sindre Sorhus
Clop Vs Permute
Wins - More Than Window Management
[Looking for Early Bird User] MrSeek – Input a message in a single interface and Get Multiple AI Chatbot Results at a Glance
SEO plugins
My must have MacOS utilities
Free bricks Plugins
Notch Nook Alternatives?
Features Request
Dost Mile Dostana Hua | Hindi Poem for Friends
Dost Mile Dostana Hua | Hindi Poem for friends