Looking for People to Read and Discuss Books With!
Frued's concept of narcissism of minor differences
Of female friendships (or the lack of it)
The society's obsession with marriage
How common is it for SIL (28F) to always overshadow hubby (36M) and I (36F)
Amaal Malik cut ties with his family.
need some advicee
my boyfriend deserves better
Welcome to my cabin in the woods (Michigan)37M divorced
Went to a saloon after two years and now I have an open wound on my face!
House party food by wifey!
Feminine things to say to a man to express your true feelings:
Home for a week after 8 months and my mom made me cry everyday but today she crossed all lines
Why is it so hard to get a girlfriend
Argument with mother over washing period underwear
“Not mature enough” they say.
Since it’s Women’s Day, here’s a little school memory
How do you deal with family that’s super restrictive and tries to control what you wear?
Was anyone else raised being told women should not be ambitious?
Found out my 6 month pregnant wife cheated on me for a whole year while staying away
So this happened yesterday at my gym
Kishan and Shanell from Kishanell broke up.
How to look fresh and nice after stepping out
He’s getting married but wanted to see me one last time. I wish nothing but misery for him.
Hi Ladies! I need serious advice.