Can someone translate what this rapist is saying?
Is this a new leaf ?
Got this little beauty a week ago: any care advice ? It’ll go in LECA soon. I’m concerned about the little brown bits appearing in the big white parts. Should I keep it right by the window there or on that table 1,5m from the window ?
I cut off a yellow leaf about a week ago but the bit of stem I left has now yellowed too. Will rot/death spread to the main stem if I leave it there ? What is a safe way to completely remove it now ? Or is leaving it fine?
The size of the monitor in Elon’s office at the White House
I can't breathe in my room anymore
Chopped my high var raph
The French struggle.
Monstera Deliciosa Lemon Lime
Impulsive purchases
Quel est le meilleur cinéma ?
Can you recommend an equivalent to Silica Boost available in Europe ? Can’t find it on French Amazon.
I just received these epipremnum pinnatum variegata cuttings shipped in wet paper towel. Do the roots look healthy ? Do all the circled ones need to be submerged in water ? Is the level of water good in this glass or is it too much ?
Trump says America should denuclearize and there is no need to build nuclear weapons because Russia is not a threat
Teslas burning in Las Vegas
Help!! Recently remodeled kitchen still looks off
my cats snapped my pineapple off the rest of the plant. is there a way to regrow it?
Does this stem look healthy or is it rotting beyond salvation ? I cut off the bit that was browning and getting soft but the brown bit in the center worries. If I lose the rest of that side to rot, can the other side grow roots instead ?
Mon mari vient de passer 55 minutes en voiture pour récupérer mon sac a main oublié bêtement dans un resto parce que j'ai pas pris ma ritaline - comment je lui fait passer l'envie de divorcer ?
Am I missing something?
Do the red leaves eventually all turn green as they grow and mature ? I had gotten it because I liked the red leaves.
Strelitzia root issue
Possible mealy bugs infestation: is a benzoyl peroxide solution bath and a soak in 100°C water enough to make LECA and pon sanitized and safe again ?
Trump Orders US Military to Plan Invasion of Panama to Seize Canal: Report