We should all just...
What’s your favourite drugstore shampoo, conditioner, hair mask and leave in?
what's your unexplainable ocd lore?
Calories are calories . Ignore the “healthier option” noise and eat what you are craving .
Am I the only one that doesn't like this episode?
You gotta be kidding me. It healed everything around my target object
Did anyone else leave the adhd women subreddit?
Jackie's Beaus
Roseanne jobs
I Hate the AI Remasters
Well, it's dark outside. Maybe he thinks he's asleep.
DJ struggling with pizza
CMT cut out the funniest line
Shelley Winters
Peacock Just Ruined It
I'm some what new to this subreddit, but what is everyone's opinion on Disney firing Roseanne?
I found the blue dress!
Cross posted from furniture for cats. I made Rosanne’s couch for my friend’s cat.
Dog Won’t Take Trazodone Pills
Here I was thinking we got the new couch primarily for human use.
Will my angel be long haired?
AIO for getting upset with how my ex speaks to my 10 year old daughter?
I would sell my left arm for avocado to magically be lower in calories
Medicated ADHD diet