Unknown EDM track titled 'Drums', between 2020-2023
Awlrach - first 'big' project with conversion elements
New magazine after Stormbringer?
Vasillac the Gifted
Anybody knows where to get tiny feathers?
Tattoos amongst Slaanesh characters
[no spoilers] Cosplay armor painted in the style of the show
[no spoilers] My Caitlyn S2 cosplay (first photo by NoriTaiga)
Warhammer painting expectations have become like unrealistic body expectations but for nerds
I made a wearable Squig!
I got told this sub would appreciate a Squig cosplay
I made a wearable Warhammer Squig miniature cosplay
How can I keep hobby knives sharp on the cheap? Whetstone? Other?
How are miniature paints made, and what makes them good?
Coherent theme, incoherent colour scheme - is that ok/common
Best white paint for actually painting?
Who should I pick for my first army?
Looking to mod your minis with Greenstuff/Milliput/Apoxie sculpt? Start here for quick tips!
A different way to paint ork armor (Warcraft inspired)
A friendly reminder for tourists using the train system
[No Spoilers] 2D paint on 3D surface
Second batch - thank you all for your tips
Beach Banshee