reinventing puritanism
person in real life:
the price of vindication
the proof of the pudding is in the in the pudding in the pudding in the pudding pudding
so youre saying you dont dry your clothes in a toaster?
mr muskrat can personally test drive his stupid-ass rocket himself and it can explode with him aboard
conservatives dont have a sense of humor (and they churn out AI slop)
create what YOU want to create, and you will be significantly happier
you need to learn to forgive yourself
how to design your alien species
this posthuman species was called the gels
AITA for going no-contact with my parents after learning they had lied to me about my allergies all my life?
anyone can create
AITA for lying about being pregnant to my family to protect my husband?
when the mouth is washed
divide and conquer
"edgy" humor and all that
why wear a seatbelt if you could just stay home [tw: slurs]
the horror... THE HORROR... the horror.......
its sihb month
let nonhumans be... you know, NONHUMAN
the first kickstarter to receive negative money
a warning
media vs. reality