Do y’all know a way to fix this ?
Bought some acrylic boxes and it look fire
Here’s my full mfb collection (EU)
Holy grail finally came in!
Finally got storage boxes!
First time I hold a machine and needing advice
First x bey ! Is it good ?
ISO Dark Gasher and Storm Aquario
Is this guy rare?
Selling (EU)
Really need that one but why is he so expensive 🥲 one even sold for 800 wtf
Can someone estimate my collection right now ?
Well after doing some research after all these months…
What can I do with this atrocity, full black fingers ?
Help on authentification ?
Due to popular demand (one person suggested it) tier based on appearance. My opinion
Midfake with mani limited sticker ??
Mine… regret the hand tbh
Cool pack received
Fake sealed hasbro spotted ??
Bought these two and wondering why the background is black, possible fakes ??
Febuary finds, felt very lucky!!
Is it real hasbro aquario ? Never seen this card before