I can't take it anymore!!! Please talk about someone else! Remember Oliver?
Most iconic undertale fan art might be this one
Petition to put a hidden goku in the subreddit banner
You think Cupid is against same sex?
Well guys, we know what today is...
I found this in my Discord and now everyone has to suffer too
What's a Deltarune opinion that will have you like this?
I'm not a kid anymore.
What do you think about Butch Hartmean?
FTM. I’m singing this at a recital tomorrow. Would you clock me by my voice? Is it feminine at all?
I promise you, you can't
Who Is Evil
Rin and Len
Character teas will become Rotten Tea in Future Chapters
"Young Girl A" is now the most viewed vocaloid song on YouTube
I hate how much I laughed at this 😭
you cant say both
type "jevil can do anything, except _____" and let your keyboard finish the rest
Holy crap lois
What can I get an undertale fan as a gift?
Name every episode better than Band Geeks
Who the hell is this (wrong answers)
Say something nice about Gachapoid
So like, who’s actually the most favorite character?