My least materialist opinion is…
A Working Holiday in Ireland in 2025: How stupid is this?
I fucking hate that Ashley Rindsberg called us an "ultra"left subreddit
Some of you engineers, plz stfu
This is some Black Mirror shit.
For this I know in my heart and soul, the day will come when sacred are slash Trueanon must die
Slavin with a spectacularly timed block on Seth Jarvis's shot
Game Thread: Canada at United States - 20 Feb 2025 - 08:00PM EST
this subreddit should probably be five subreddits
How is file explorer so slow in 2025?
dying american empire has solved canadian unity
Am I strictly wasting space if I decide to use a 320kbps MP3 converted from a FLAC instead of the VBR MP3 file at a lower bitrate?
Thoughts on local politics.
Why didn't Italy have a communist revolution after the war, despite doing exactly what Lenin said? Italians unironically turned the imperialist war into a civil war and their country still eventually became a fascist hellhole. Are they stupid?
My "great deal" on a GS66 Stealth
So many people are moving to Edmonton and a record was just set | Urbanized
How do you guys feel about the Bloc Québécois and Parti Québécois publishing maps that show Québec claiming Labrador?
Action Button Recall
Looking For MSI GS66 Stealth Charger Replacement
A combined solution for audio popping/crackling before and after playback
Down With AI Content
Christmas Walks
Can you get to the point in this game like in Skyrim where you can do whatever you want with absolutely no consequences?
Black Wolf’s Giving | 6 Classics to Help with Uncle Avoidance and Traveling Boredom
New Hotfix Does Not Fix Broken HDCP