My sidereal chart is very different from the tropical 🤯
got recovering/merging worktrees (.got folders)
Morality and religion as an INTJ
How to become smart ?
How to train Te?
What's your current career, and your dream career?
Good BSD distribution for the Pi4?
am i the only one who thinks hellenic black metal is just tops??
What is something you wish you realised sooner?
Trump président des USA est un mal pour un bien (pour nous Européens)
What YouTube Channels do you follow?
One usb boot device and live BSD with live Linux ?
"Psychotique" ou "névrosé" ?
gotwebd HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
I think I am a mistype INTJ.
An appreciation post: Thank You Devs for all of the hard work on this great OS
game of trees – trouble committing to a new git/got project
If Linux never existed, would BSD be popular instead? What would it be like?
Hello BSD fam. I wonder this, why BSD over Linux?
« Philosophie ou la mère des disciplines » (J Jorjani)
What's a practical benefit of OpenBSD over Debian?
Notre modèle sociale est juste une lutte pour savoir qui va en bénéficier le plus.
Tout le monde loue les chaussures en cuir mais plus personne n’en achète
Flemme de travailler ?
NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD what's the difference ?