Anyone knows what happened to xKore?
Body found encased in concrete in Osaka case: confirmed to be daughter of suspect's sister
just found out about “electric callboy”. is this actually the worst metal band on earth?
Give me your best trap concept
375m above KL
Korang sahur makan apa?
Nene celebrating the announced sequel of iCarly after it ended 10 years ago. WOWOWOWOWOWOOWOWOOOOOOOOOOO😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Favourite DR2W Quote?
Saya suka makan daddy
A last tribute
Nooooo Michael 😭
Three To Choose From
Illya and "Mr. White"
'I can't celebrate Raya,' youth says after 6-month jail sentence
Explanation and update on my current living conditions.
Maki pinned and groped (frawztfyre)
When Jeremy Blaire catches you and destroys the radio in Whistleblower why did he say this?
Dubstep producers that you would love to hear a collab from?
You lost to ME! How do you feel?
Dead Rising x Yakuza 4: It's a the BEST Crossover I ever made my life
Big-E’s girlfriend on X😭
I'm trying to get infinite respect. How much more do I need until I achieve it?
Are there jobs that give me high pay from home?
What are the side hustle you are doing right now in Malaysia?
To someone's who's never heard the genre, what would be the most shocking song?