There is one thing holding me back from becoming a catholic…
Love those guys
Give it to me straight: Jubilee
‘Have an abortion’: Alleged Rupnik victims detail abuse as Vatican slowly investigates
Those who hate their name and are willing to share it
Do you ever correct people when they think the Immaculate Conception means miraculously getting pregnant without relations?
It's impossible to find a unique name because all the good ones are popular
By a single vote New Hampshire house passes legislation to remove circumcision from Medicaid
I want to try going to church but what do I do with my 3 little kids? (2yr and 11m old twins)
Being an autistic Catholic stinks
Former sedevacantists, former atheists/agnostics what made you come to Rome?
Tips for 2-3 year age gap?
Can a priest help me?
Married women or women on relationship answer.
What's the worst thing about going to the dentist?
Contraceptive teaching
Swayze the seed oil apologist thinks fortified food is good for you, thinks butter is the worst cuz saturated fat, thinks gmo soy is good, canola is healthy and regurgitates shill studies.
Does anyone enjoy the effects of butter/tallow detox?
The intersession of our Mother Mary🩷
Being a SAHM or Working?
Not sure how to proceed after unplanned c-section
Marriage rules
Ash Wednesday is the easiest day to be a Catholic
Former skinny people of Reddit, what's the worst thing about getting fat?
Why do you like Mary so much?