Anyone else feel guilty by how many people are waiting for your copy of a book?
Favorite movie where the protagonist dies
FMC holds it while he pees
What is this, A chapstick for ants?
White balance on an iPhone - any suggestions?
How long is your perfect read?
Can someone explain this to me like I'm 5
Sex or fondling on the DL in public
She bothers him daily and one day she just…stops
A question for the Nora Roberts enthusiasts
Email addresses with unadulterated first and last names (no punctuation or numbers) will probably dwindle and die out with millennials.
Books where MMC is jealous if themselves
Which author has 100% success rate for you ?
Tell me your go-to “decoy” book you tell people you’re reading
Nothing in life can ever be as good as a Victorian man telling you 'You're the bane of my existence and the object of my desires.' Where do you go from that?
“Skizz is one of my favorite people on the planet” -Tango
Why can’t we let men moan/whimper??
tell me about that one fmc, who you think, made the mmc ACTUALLY GROVEL/ACTUALLY PLAYED HARD TO GET/had the least amount of body betrayal syndrome
What are the *oldest* spicy books you know of that are commonly found on Libby?
Request: Knotting without Omegaverse (for a beginner)
which couple in the romance world do you think had the most earth shattering, panty dropping, jaw slacking chemistry/tension and why do you think so?
If you reread books, how long after reading a piece for the first time do you indulge in it again? Why read it again?
🧂 Salty Sunday: What's frustrating you this week?
my mid year book wrap up
Fmc tries to manipulate mmc , but falls in love instead.