WB Zamazenta - 160381357100
Zamazenta WB/- 9802 7877 0526
Mega kanga 685919787953
WB lucario on me add 129574509618
wb mega lucario 1143 3239 5506. blue gym
006155807056 wb
Weather boosted mega lucario on me add me be online 5582 3589 8353
Mega lucario wb 345076846160
“Found in AITA”
Which game was this for you?
Neighborhood mobster taking daily payment
Just picked up this hellraiser for $400 how’d I do?
Mega Garchomp WB (with proof) 227078723452
WB Regidrago 5834 9342 9452
WB Regidrago
Mega Tyranitar on me
Regieleki raid
Prince of Persia
Who is this (bad answers only)
A pilot accidentally left on the intercom and was heard saying, "I could really use a coffee and a blowjob"
Anon visits India
I am a 17 year old male who just received surgery for Pectus Excavatum (an abnormal dent in the chest). I have 3 more days in the hospital, so Ask Me Anything!
Car battery died in the middle of an intersection, everyone drove by and this man stopped, tied rope to my truck and towed me to the nearest battery plus a mile away (car was in neutral, completely dead)
If A is for Apple and B is for Banana then what is C for?
'Meet on the ledge' is a cover song?!