Obsessed with this new spring set 🍃💐
How did you find your current esthi job?
Waxing or Facials for first time job?
look what my brother scored in store for me today! 🥹
DIY “butter” bag!
Press ons of the week 🍵🪷
How is the iced cherry chai latte vs lavender crème Frappuccino?
My kitty likes my baggu 😺
Help! Cat has bald spot wound on neck!
found the perfect enamel pin for my leopard shoulder today!
Baggus for weekend adventure!
Today’s Bag(s)
She’s finally here 💌
His & Hers Cloud Carry Ons and Monos suitcases (+curious kitty)
White album post wise thoughts
Thrift Score
Miffy product preview is up!
$10 press ons 🦢
styling my new baggu
Mini Nylon Shoulder Bag in Leopard is back in stock!
Would love to see photos of your Go Pouch sets from spring drop!
Loving chocolate plum!