If C.ai added an option that allows creators to see the chats from the people that used their bots.. How cooked would you be? {{image unrelated}}
Horned Girls are the best! Who's your favorite?
Random thoughts: Okay, I also want with all my soul for Capitano to be in 5.6. But isn’t it a bit too sudden to bring him back and make him playable in the same update?
What will you do on the day Capitano released?
I’ve been AR60 for a few months and still can’t 36* spiral abyss (sorry for bad flair)
Everyone is talking about Varesa and Ifa but I’m most excited for my free Ororon after skipping all of Natlan for Capitano
My theory for Capitano's resurrection (I'm sorry for any writing and lore mistakes)
I’m losing my mind
Would you want this implemented in-game ?
I know everyone hated the previous event, but this may be the worst event game play wise I've ever played.
Cant be 5.6?
Mjölnir (Thor's hammer) appeared in Teyvat, who can earnestly lift it?
the entire controversy summed up
Alright let's get this over with who's your favorite bride out of the four
Capitano’s Back Design…
New information from Capitano datamine (Full credits to u/SupermarketWrong9517 and the dataminer Auntie N)
New information from Capitano datamine
What song/artist is this?
Hypothetically speaking, how would Capitano's return be written?
Me (a delusional Capitano saver) when I see anything to do with needing Nightsoul’s Blessing:
Do you ship any characters with Capitano?
5.5 Tollan Volcano eruption
So how do people feel about the ab service? (Event minor spoilers)