007 theme music really is the best
started working on a little 92 inspired hardcore track, let me know if you have any advice that could help me!
What is your favorite, or most interesting soundtrack you have on vinyl
Record shop recommendations
Which coop games would you recommend?
Albums you've picked up just because the cover goes hard?
Anyone else get this with their JoyCons?
Actiraiser brilliant game.
Taco flavored kisses for my Ben
Owned the libs by going blind.
Do i have enough dooms?
Should I send in the CoA with a comic?
What games are you playing this weekend?
What's a movie you'll never watch again, no matter how good it was?
What is the best minigame in history?
Small section from a WIP
Defence would like to treat the witness as hostile, your Honour.
David Armand miming "Don't Stop Me Now"
Street Fighter 2 Stop motion fan film
Ghosts UK caveman is the greatest character on tv
The Spare Room
It you could personally own any captain America suit which suit would you want? And yes you get the Shield too
Got lucky with Nintendos repaircenter