Officially Loosing All the Teeth
Pokémon XYZ Anime
Legends Arceus loading symbol
“There are 10 main characters in this film, and nine of them are detestable.” Hate-watching the "Family Stone" Christmas movie has become a tradition for some.
Socially awkward nerd going to salon first time ever what to expect.
[Giveaway] This Blue Spirit Mask light is for one of you. Will pick a random comment in 24 hours and ship it with no costs. May it make someone happy. Good luck!
Looking for under 300 page book for a book club
What do you think is the best second stage starter
Looking for a fun adventure type of book
All of my bananas unpeeled themselves as I slept last night… I’ve never seen this happen before…
I still got covid. I feel bad for missing work. but I still feel like crao.. been like 5 days already
[OC] Both are pretty good choices for Gen 10 tbh
João Cancelo attempted bicycle kick against Man Utd 82' + Pep's reaction
The Moon Tricks Tesla's Full Self-Driving Feature Into Thinking It's a Yellow Light
BOTW2 - who else keeps thinking of the ancient robots when they see the weird stone lizard thing from the trailer? Just me?
Emotionally drenching books that span a character's life (i. e. A Little Life, The Heart's Invisible Furies)
I am sick to death of hearing about the United States of America, I couldnt care any less about that country.
Which fictional character's death have you not gotten over?
[Safari Unknown] LF: pupitar safari!! really need :)