Should I be concerned?
Tell me your favorite cookie and see if you're allowed in....(idk what fl@ir to u$e 💔)
Apps called moises, was messing with it for a class. What do yall think?
I HAD to 😂 convo between me (red) and my bf (blue)
is there anyone i need to replace/focus on?
Help me pls
There we go ☠️
meh, not expecting many to respond but what was your first ever favourite cookie if you can remember?
For those that weren't totally on board with the first 4 singles
Choco Tray 16, I was struggling so I'll put this here. Epic Scroll (4) + Vial (2 or 3) + Common Watch (12, bc my epic one is lvl 3 or something). I completed with like 9 seconds to spare on auto soo. (Making discussion bc idk what flair to use)
My mouse cursor is moving on its own?
Underrated songs
Saw someone else do one so I made a tier list
Double tap or backboard read?
PC won't connect to WiFi?
AIO? Just got this text 5 hours ago. Partner told me not to worry about it
AIO? My boyfriend sent me this on Valentines Day and I'm shocked
AIO to what my mom said
Bought and put in my new RTX 5080, now PC doesn't turn on.
What Rank, How long, How did you?
Guy beating woman who may be a god?
Anyone actually know what the name is supposed to be?
Not Loading Into Matches
Weird voicemail of someone crying
Loading stuck at 0, fails to load after a minute