German citizenship by descent: The ultimate guide for anyone with a German ancestor who immigrated after 1870
Initials instead of expanded surname in birth certificate
How can German Citizenship by Descent apply to an Ancestor from Alsace-Lorraine?
Theoretical question about visas and citizens
Direct to Passport - Without Mother's German Passport
Any benefit to my mom getting passport first?
Alias / name change documentation
Resubmitting request for FBI Identity History Summary ?
Ein Spiel: Was an dieser Reddit-Werbung außen vor gelassen?
Citizenship - Documents stuck in another city
Arbeitsstunden bei Durchschnittslohn, die nötig sind, um einen S&P 500-Anteil zu kaufen
Wie lautet der dritte Vorname? Johannes Hubert XXXX Josef
Changing your name upon receiving German citizenship
Berlin Citizenship Process with Blue Card
When do I use my new passport?
Template for requesting your file number
Locating Birth Record for Citizenship Application
Great great grandfather came to US in 1881
Getting German citizenship if you have prior criminal convictions
German Notary Question
Great grandmother born in Germany, gave birth to my grandmother at 16 in U.S. and gave her up for adoption.
Pre-1914 proof, stAG 5
question about the citizenship authority / Erklärungserwerb nach 5 StAG
Learning German and struggling with “Der, die, das”.
Why is mowing your lawn banned on Sunday, when driving a motorcycle or shitty hatchback with a modified exhaust isn’t?