Please, please,PLEASE let this potential filled queen of kalos be in the game gamefreak.she deserved so much better
[OC] The Starters of ZA - what do you think?
My team until I see new forms or pokemon in which half this team will probably be replaced
what mega pokemon do you want ( BUT NO MEGA CHARIZARD Z)
Fire/Ghost better not become the next Fire/Fighting
Yea... Somehow this is gameplay....
What's on your *realistic* Gen 10 wishlist?
What moves do you think were missed opportunities for some Pokemon?
Why do Pokemon fans complain but still buy the game?
Good Pokemon for BEATING Crispin that AREN'T legendary or starter?
What Pokemon really fought its way into your heart?
What type combos do you want for the starters?
On a scale from 1 - 10 how mad are y'all that the guy who cares the least about shinies just had a full odds wild encounter with this?
This is my prediction of who the starters are going to be
Do you have a unique favorite Pokemon? I need to know.
How come people hate Charizard?
Pokémon Legends Z-A will be the first Main-Line Pokémon Game Rated by ESRB as E10+ for Fantasy Violence. What do you expect will happen in the game to justify this new rating?
What character do you always leave behind in camp?
I can’t get into white or black. Any suggestions?
Mega Fire Pig Pokémon in Pokémon Legends: Z-A
Possible mechanical addition to gen 10?
What should I name this sassy little lady?
So..... what do ya'll think of Tepig?
What newish pokemon has been a surprise and become your favorite?
What Pokemon game to get?