What can I do with this small space besides my bed? Beer for scale
was doing the alphabet challenge and I did it, but it's not giving me the win? does it matter that some of the kids are dead?
Names you only like spelt a certain way
What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
I may be a Trike supremacist, but Iguanodons are so damn cool
What should I name her?
Favourite misheard lyric?
What's Danny's best song in your opinion
We listen and we don't judge. What's your guilty pleasure song?
My tattoo, from the Netherlands
Best *band* starting with letter M?
I Think I Found the Most Haunted Poke Stop
🔥An American Crocodile cruising through the waters of Miami.
What's an underrated pizza topping?
Maybe a bob cat? This is in the south
What's a movie you'll never watch again, no matter how good it was?
Anyone have stabbing ovaries?
What is ruining your mental health?
A fun fact
What’s a movie that NOBODY can convince you is good?
Song titles that would be very bad birthday gifts.
Worse pelvic pain post embolization
What's the strangest thing you have seen someone do at the gym?
What was your first concert?
Insane fridge find